Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Update on the puppy

I got a call from the animal hospital I dropped the pug off at. They gave the poor little thing a bath and a dip for his mange, and the animal control officer is coming to get him. They asked where I found him -- where there were houses or where the sand pits are. It was the latter, so they think he was dumped.

OK, I'm about to yell. How the fuck can someone dump a living creature on the side of the road? It sickens me. If I weren't allergic to the little guy, I would take him home in a minute. The vet was telling me what a little sweetie he is, cuddling up to everyone and happy as a clam now that he's clean and not so itchy. I didn't stop by to see him last night, because I knew I would fall in love with him. And I can't take him home.

Poor baby.
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