Sunday, October 15, 2006

Our Comcast nightmare

I'm writing this post using our cable modem. I'm enjoying it while I can.

Channels 4 and 5 don't come in well on the Comcast cable -- there are wavy lines through the screen. M called Comcast yesterday, and they sent a tech this morning to take a look. The guy came at 9 this morning and started complaining about all the wires. The excessive wiring is because the dude who owned our house before us ran a business out of it and had four phone lines coming into his home office. I asked him if there would be a charge for the service call. He said well, yeah, because the problem is inside the house. This is after the customer service rep M spoke with swore up and down there wouldn't be.

So M comes home from church and I tell him the deal. He listens to the dude's explanation that our wiring is old. Then he tells the tech how fucking miserable Comcast has been, how they can't seem to get it right and not only are we canceling our service, he's strongly considering suing Comcast in small claims court. (This is M's stock line.) Tech can't get out of here fast enough.

M calls my dad, who knows a few things about electronics. Dad tells M to take our little kitchen TV and check the cable outside. He does, and guess what? The cable is messed up out there too. Bingo -- it's Comcast's problem, and we shouldn't have to pay.

M, completely burned out on dealing with Crapcast customer service, asks me to deal with it. I get on the phone and channel my inner bitch, telling them we are two seconds away from canceling the service and they are to send a tech back out TODAY. The supervisor calls the tech and calls us back -- about an hour later than they said. Meanwhile, it's a beautiful day, and I have errands to do. Like I want to sit around and wait for a call back from these ass clowns.

The supervisor was not getting her pointy head around the fact that the signal coming INTO the house was fucked up. She kept telling me (and later M, who I had to hand the phone off to) that the problem was our old wiring and not them. M completely lost his shit on the lady, telling her how incompetent, unhelpful and idiotic she was. At this point, I was ready to lose MY shit, so I went to Target to buy Halloween candy.

My cell phone rings.

M: Guess what?

Me: What?

M: We're going back to Dish Network. Tomorrow I CANCEL COMCAST. What a beautiful day that will be.

I'm sad about going back to dialup, but our Comcast experience was so horrific, I'll deal with it. Talk about 50 ways to lose a customer.

And I'm not the only one who's dealt with their bullshit. Check out Dan's phone saga.

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