Friday, March 23, 2007

The power of prayer

I have a request for one of my fellow bloggers today. Snickolett is one of my favorite blogs. I've had email exchanges with Ms. S, and she's a helluva lady.

Well, her husband has advanced pancreatic cancer but has beaten the odds and lived more than two-and-a-half years after diagnosis. Today, Snick and her hubby are at the hospital getting a test that will tell them the state of his liver. If he's in liver failure, it's the beginning of the end. If he simply has a blockage, they can fix it. Please pray with me that it's the latter and she gets more time with the husband she loves so much, and that he gets more time with both her and their nine-month-old twins. I know prayer worked when M was sick, and I hope it works now.

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