Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Take a Chance on me

For Easter, M bought me a gift set of Chanel No. 5. It's easily my favorite perfume, and my mom had bought me the same set for my 30th birthday. You do the math -- it's all used up. So thanks to The Man, I am back in stock.

Anyway, the nice lady at the Macys fragrance counter gave me a bunch of Chanel perfume samples, which I have been having a lot of fun with. One was for Chance body wash. I am a big shower fan and love scented personal cleansing products. M jokes he barely has room for his bar of soap and shampoo, what with Bath and Body Works setting up shop in our shower.

So I was psyched as hell to take a Chance shower. Except, well, when I cracked open the sample, there wasn't enough product in there to make my sponge lather. I tried stomping on it. I tried squeezing the everliving hell out of it. No dice.

In a world of pain and suffering, I know not getting enough free sample of an overpriced perfume should be low on the list of complaints. But I feel like if you're going to try to hook people on your product, you should at least give them a decent sample size. I'm just sayin'. I like Chanel No. 5 better anyway. You can't improve on a classic.

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