Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Good actors, bad movies

I loved this list of top 10 actors who've slummed it for the money. Robin Williams, you are a fucking genius. Why would you be in RV?

Here are my additions:

  • Kevin Kline in crapfests like The January Man and Fish Called Wanda sequel Fearless Creatures: Kevin, I love you. There's no need for you to appear in a bad movie. Ever.
  • John Travolta in Look Who's Talking, as well as half his career before Pulp Fiction: Much has been written about Johnny's seeming inability to pick a good role for himself.
  • John Cusack in Con Air: I love John -- mostly because he hasn't taken the money and run too much. His roles are generally great. But Con Air, that was slumming it. As it was for...
  • Nicolas Cage, assorted dumbass mid-'90s action movies (Con Air, The Rock, Face/Off -- although that last one was a lot of fun): One of the most brilliant (if weird) actors of our generation. No crap, Nic.
  • Jack Black in half his damn movies: I love him. Love him. He can sing, he can act, he's hysterical. But Envy? Shallow Hal? Hell, even King Kong? Come on.
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