Saturday, September 30, 2006

Well, Friday night isn't quite the weekend

Last night, I took M to see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee for an early birthday gift. It was really fun -- it wasn't the most sophisticated musical I've ever seen, but I enjoyed its simplicity and small cast. It was also laugh-out-loud funny. The cast brings four people from the audience up on stage to participate in the Bee, and it was pretty clear they were trying to get rid of one audience member at one point -- they gave her an impossible word to spell. Yet she spelled it. They kind of froze for a second and then called her back to ask her to spell another insanely hard word. Only then did she get the boot. She got a hearty round of applause.

Anyway, if you're looking for something new to do, I would recommend it. The tickets aren't that expensive, and even on a Friday night, there were plenty of open seats. But go to the box office -- Ticket Bastard charged me an extra $14 in fees, and I wound up picking the tickets up at Will Call anyway.

And while the show was fun, the trip in (the same night as one of the last Sox games of the year) was not. Something about being in Boston makes me itch. I don't like crowds under the best of circumstances, but the bazillions of people in Boston just set me off. Another reason I like being out in the country.
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