Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My public service announcement for the day before Thanksgiving

Don't go to Starbucks. I stopped by the one in Acton this morning for a latte treat, and apparently everyone else in the area had the same thought. I'm talking 20 minutes to get a freaking gingerbread latte and lemon scone, people. The baristas were working their tails off, and I asked one of them if they were always this busy in the morning. She said day before Thanksgiving was one of the nuttiest days of the year for them, since a lot of people take the day off and the kids have no school. (I know Leominster kids have the day off.)

So thanks, baristas, for moving us in and out so quickly, and sorry I was cranky. I just don't like waiting for my coffee. I am thankful for you.


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