Monday, December 11, 2006

Not converted to Google

So I went to sign into Blogger this morning and was told I needed to convert my blog over to Google. So I said, hell yeah, convert my ass. I'm still waiting for the convert, so I'm going ahead and posting in the meantime.

There's a lot going on in my personal life right now, and it's the kind of stuff you shouldn't be talking about on a public blog. Which would explain my absence. Suffice it to say that it's been a nutty couple of weeks at Casa Christine n' M. But it's all good. As M says, 2006 was still a much better year overall than 2005.

And speaking of 2006 coming to an end, we started talking about New Year's Eve plans. I think we are going to lay low this year. Have you got plans? What are you going to do?

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