Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving meme

In the spirit of Snickolett's awesome post, here's my meme. Yes, I hate these things, and yes, I am making an exception:

10 Shallow Things I'm Grateful For
1. My green eyes
2. Chocolate
3. Tom Brady
4. The fact I have four days off and my birthday off next week
5. Pottery Barn and J.Jill catalogs
6. House and Grey's Anatomy
7. Chinese food
8. Diet Coke
9. Lattes
10. My car

10 Things I'm Genuinely Grateful For
1. M's continued good health -- I consider it a miracle.
2. Our great church and the fact we found it.
3. My mom and dad.
4. My brother
5. Having three out of four grandparents left
6. That I'm still here for another birthday next week
7. That we got such an amazing, relaxing and romantic vacation this year and were able to afford it.
8. Medical technology
9. The fact I come home to a beautiful, warm home every night and get to be with the man I love (gag alert, but it's true)
10. My incredible luck at having all of the above.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!

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