Saturday, February 18, 2006

Camry: DENIED!

Last night, I was so exhausted that I hit the hay at about 9. The plan was to go get the new car sometime today. I was all snuggled up in the flannel sheets when the phone rang at 8:30. Guess who? Mr. Salesman, who wanted to let me know the car wouldn't be ready until fucking Monday. I was half-asleep (morning is most definitely not my time), so I just mumbled, OK, whatever, and hung up. When I told M, he was pissed. He went downstairs and called the dealer. Came back and told me we're getting the car tomorrow morning first thing. So this time tomorrow, I will be Camryed.

We spent this morning in our jammies watching informercials and snarking on them. One of our favorite things to do. (For some grade-A snark, btw, check out this site.) And checking out the restaurants on the Phantom Gourmet, getting hungrier by the minute.

I want to go to IKEA.

That is all.
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