Monday, August 14, 2006

You know what I hate?

When I've been reading someone's blog who posts every day, and then I log in three days in a row and see the SAME DAMN POST. Guess what? I just did the same thing to you guys.

The weather has been un-fricking-believable here. I'm talking 80-degree days, 60-degree, comfy-sleeping-weather nights. We didn't do any shopping for the tax-free weekend -- M thinks it's overrated, in that if you saw a sale for 5 percent off something, you wouldn't think it was such a bargain. I did drag him into Pottery Barn to look at some coffee tables I've been coveting, but it turns out they didn't have it on display, and M wasn't impressed with the quality of their furniture. M stopped by Home Depot on Saturday to return something and he couldn't deal with the crowds. I really wanted to go back to visit our friends at IKEA, especially since there's a new catalog out, but we just couldn't deal with the clamoring throng. Not to mention the gas we would have burned.

Yesterday we went up to Salem to visit my grandma, and then we took a nice ride in the country, and M played on the computer while I weedwhacked (heh heh heh) and vacuumed up some tall grass the mower just doesn' t reach.

I also read an amazing book: Is It Me or My Meds? Living with Antidepressants by David Karp. If you're in the cukoo club I too belong to, I would highly recommend it. I literally couldn't put it down.
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