Friday, November 03, 2006

I could get used to a two-day workweek

I went back to work Thursday after my cruise -- to 350-plus emails and a bunch o' meetings. I am ready for the weekend, let me tell you. Besides, it is difficult to adjust to not being fed every 10 minutes and having to make your own bed every night. Now, the absence of rocking and rolling when I walk around -- THAT is just money.

Cranking away on NaNoWriMo. I'm contributing to the NaNoWriMo Blog started by bloggy buddy Jody. Check it out from my sidebar.

And this weekend, looks like it's planting and yard cleanup. The tree remover dude SUPPOSEDLY is going to take down the birch today -- it's so dead that chunks of it are coming down a bit at a time, and it will never survive the winter. I was really afraid we'd come home to find it across the driveway, what with the weather nuttiness I heard y'all got Saturday.

Whatcha up to?

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