Monday, December 10, 2007

What you can get done in one lousy weekend

If you're manically trying to nest:

Finish painting the nursery (thanks, M) and vacuum the rug and wash the windows (that would be one crazy pregnant lady)
Clean up the baby gifts so you can actually walk around the house
Finish and mail the Christmas cards
Start wrapping Christmas gifts
Order Christmas gifts for faraway relatives so they are shipped to their houses
Go to one company Christmas party (that would be M's)
Wash the baby's clothes
Go to Target and drop $400 on a breast pump and accessories, a swing, crib sheets, changing pads and other baby goodies we didn't get at the shower
Do all the grown-up laundry
Watch some of the Pats game (woohoo)
Vacuum the rest of the house
Make the beds
Go to church and choir practice

Yes, I am insane. But I got things done, and I feel good about that.

Thirty-six weeks. Holy crap. I'm gonna have a baby.

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