Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I'm cheerfully profane

I've always had a gleefully foul mouth. It's a way of blowing off steam and dealing with my anxiety issues. I punctuate my sentences with versions of the F-word, as well as lovely words like shit, dildo, asshole and dickhead. Of course, this kind of language isn't very ladylike, and my mom is constantly telling me to "watch my mouth," even at age 31. It's just silly. I've got to remember to rein myself in when I'm in certain company. I've tried to stop cussing, only to begin all over again. Sigh. Yes, I think it's low-class on other people, but I'm just expressing myself.

Working at home today. I was supposed to pick up my mentee for a mentor picnic, but she blew me off. I wasn't too upset, considering how slammed I am workwise, but it was gd inconsiderate. I left her a note to call me, so I hope she does. The infamous golden next door was just barking up a storm. He's beautiful, but he's a total pain in the ass. I went to Target this morning and did all our shopping for the party (got there at 8, just as they opened, so I got to see their morning huddle, which I was invited to join) and have been running downstairs to throw in loads of laundry. Got it all done, woo woo. I hate when my fucking house is dirty.
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