Thursday, March 02, 2006

My MySpace misadventures

A few months ago, I created a profile on MySpace. It was mostly so I could comment on the blog of a dear friend of mine who uses it for his primary blogging space. Since then, I created a profile and kept adding to it. I found old high school friends and some really neat people.

But I also found spam -- lots of it. And constant requests to fill out memes. I hate memes. I've filled a few in my time, and that's enough. I want to use my blog to talk about important stuff. And, well, in general, I found MySpace to be just a big time suck with very little benefit. Time is very precious to me, especially right now. So I made the executive decision today to delete my profile. And it feels good. I'll be sticking to blogging here and dealing with people in the three-dimensional world.
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