Thursday, April 13, 2006

Retroactive HNT

You know those shoes I showed you yesterday? They are perched on SIZE 8.5 feet. Yes, I have large clodhoppers for such a little girl. I should maybe be a size 6.

So we've revealed a little bit of the Christine behind Overthink. Let's move on to more minutiae:

  • That proposal on DOND last night was both incredibly sweet and unbelievable tacky. The whole public proposal thing never sits well with me -- I'm always worried the person's going to say no. And think he got the ring for free from Kay Jewelers? They certainly did an extreme close-up on the box enough.
  • I am sick. I feel like shit. I wish I were at home in bed, but I already called out Monday. Just get me through today and I will go home and collapse.
  • Today is Holy Thursday. This is the first Easter season I've felt connected to in a long time. May be because of our new church. We're actually going to darken the doorway of a church on Easter. Can you imagine?
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