Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The dumbass award of the day

My mom told me this story, and I just had to share -- true story, I swear:

After a relative came out of the funeral home last week, she found a note on her car, chastising her for parking crooked, calling her an asshole and telling her that the note writer had left a present. The entire side of her car was keyed.

Completely pissed off, my relative took the note into the collation. Another relative is an off-duty cop, and he took a look at the note and realized it had been written on the back of a receipt. Well, Mr. Note Man had paid with a credit card. You guessed it: There was a NAME on the receipt.

So the cop and his partner went to pay the dumbass a visit. Here’s the scene -- would have paid money to witness it:

(Cops knock on door. Guy answers.)

Cops: Hi there, sir (holds up note). Is this your handwriting?

Dude (goes completely white): Ummm…ummm.

Cops: Did you not realize these people were at a FUNERAL?

Dude: Well, umm, I didn’t know!

The cops told him he had two choices: He could go to court, or he could pay for the damages. He picked the latter.

Good thing for my relative that this dude was mean AND dumb!
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