Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rocking the vote

I got up early this morning and went to vote among the other worker bees as well as the Q-tips that man the voting booths. Here in Massachusetts, we've got one nasty and hotly contested battle for the governorship, so even at 8 in the morning, the place was pretty full. And there's always the confusion about which ward you live in, so you've got to look at those big lists of voter registrations on the wall, and you find out all your neighbors' enrollments.

M says voting is like getting your hair cut or your teeth cleaned: You put off doing it and think it's going to be a pain in the ass, but once you do, you feel better. I'm glad I'm done so I can chill out tonight and watch House and the coverage.

In case you're wondering where your Mass polling place is, plug your address into this site.

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