Tuesday, March 15, 2005

OK, I've calmed down

If you read yesterday's post, you'll know I had a shit-ass day. I went to bed pissed off. And I woke...not so pissed off. This is just a job. I will adjust, or I won't. Either way, it's a small blip in the scheme of things. I'm doing the best job I can, and that's all I can do. Bad days happen. The good I do is much greater than my fuckups. And reflecting on and remembering that helped put it in perspective.

We are going to a wake tonight for a dear family friend. She lived around the corner from my grandma for decades. Nine years ago, my grandfather died, so she kept my grandma company, being a widow herself. She was less tham a month from her 95th birthday when she died on Saturday, and up to a few years ago, she worked in a candy factory a few days a week, boxing chocolate. She was responsible for the amazing chocolate baskets my grandma got us on Easter. The actual basket was chocolate, with a solid chocolate base, and it was filled with candy. My cousins and I have all repeated the same story of gnawing on that base for months. I can still taste that good chocolate, hidden deep in my room for a late-night snack. I can't think of Easter without thinking of that familiar box and its delectable contents. Ann was a good lady. She was at my wedding and all the major events at my grandma's house, and she was a good friend to my grandmother. We will miss you, and my grandma will most of all. Sleep well.
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