Saturday, November 19, 2005

Shopping my ass off

I spent this morning cleaning Casa Christine. I mean, down on my hands and knees (get your mind out of the gutter) scrubbing toilets and floors, doing laundry, etc. I just need to vacuum my house and wash the kitchen floor and I'll be Why such a masochistic ritual, you ask? Well, my parentals and M's parentals are coming over tomorrow for a turkey fry. M is fond of the big bird, and if you haven't tried it, it's damn good fried, people. So a 16-pounder is happily defrosting in my sink as we speak. In the meantime, there's no company clean like when your mom is coming over. I have an almost 7' bookcase in the smack-middle of my living room, so my FIL and M are going to transport it up to the bedroom before they come tomorrow. This will be done before my dad gets here, because he has a herniated disc in his back and is recovering from hernia surgery. Both things mean he shouldn't be lifting anything heavier than a cup of coffee. However, should he see my husband and my FIL working like dogs to move this monga bookcase, he will try to help. Lifting bad, Christine's dad. So if it's done before he gets here, no problem. I also shoveled out our pit of a spare room, which has become a dumping ground/catchall. Shit, I found five-year-old bank statements and pay stubs. I took out bags and bags of trash. It felt good, and it looks great in here.

As for the title of this post, after the scrubbing and the cleaning and the general shininess, we went around to get groceries and a few other things. We went to Linens n' Things, Sears, Market Basket, Target and Bed Bath & Beyond -- all of which now are located in my fair city, yee freaking haw. We're thinking about a new and improved vac for a Christmas present from M's parents, so we wanted to check them out. I was leaning toward a Dyson, but the more I read about them -- that won't be happening. With my allergies (and M's), we need a good HEPA vac. Anyone got any suggestions?

Bitey the dog is really fucking stupid. He barks and howls for no apparent reason. I don't think he's a very happy dog.

I want to put up my Christmas decorations, but I know it's far too early. So I've compromised and put out a few things. The big decorating binge will happen weekend after Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will soon get a date for M's first treatment. I want to start planning my holiday season. We're invited to a family party on the 3rd, but if M is recovering from his first treatment, I don't want him to push it. We shall see, we shall see.
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