Saturday, January 17, 2004

Okay, it worked.

Work has been nuts. I mean, really nuts. I like my job a lot, and love what I actually do (edit and write), but there are more than a few people I work with who I'd like to smack on a regular basis. Not just for the satisfaction of it, but to cause them the pain and anguish they've caused me. And not surprisingly, they are all chicks.

I really have an almost unnatural need to please, for things to be cool, for there not to be tension. Even when I'm watching TV, and a tension-filled scene comes up, I often change the channel. When someone's really feisty, though, and tells others to fuck off, I really cheer for them. I had really bad roomies in college that shit all over me, and I really didn't have the brass ones to tell them to screw off. I still regret that, to this day. It's true that you can't go through life fighting, but man, some battles are just worth it. I know people don't wake up in the morning looking to screw me, Christine D, but sometimes it damn sure feels that way.

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