Thursday, April 21, 2005

I've been AWOL

Been having a problem with my anxiety lately, and it's been all-consuming. I need to come back down to earth -- there's more going on than what's in the labyrinth-like maze that is my head.

A friend of mine told me that if I could just harness my nervous energy, I could rule the world. I wish. Lately, I feel like I'm just treading water. At my old job, I was a superstar. Now I feel like I can't do anything right. I know it's my negative self-talk working, but there it is. I'm starting to work out again, and I'm listening to my Lucinda Bassett CDs. M is having some anxiety issues too -- I think this job transition has been more difficult on both of us than we originally thought. This too shall pass.

Tomorrow I am leading a grammar and punctuation seminar, and that too is making me nervous. I think I'm well-prepared, but still. I think it will help me break in with the group of people I work with more. Here's hoping it goes well.
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