Saturday, September 03, 2005

A bit more than Saturday sleepies

I don't mind telling you that I'm tired. Down-in-my-bones tired. I think I have reason to be (see posts below). But I want my life to get back to normal. Well, as normal as it can be after this bomb of a diagnosis has been dropped on us. Yes, I know lupus doesn't have to be fatal. But it does involve some lifestyle changes for both of us.

Case in point: M is taking a drug cocktail of four different meds at this point. He's annoyed, but I told him this isn't the way it has to be always. He's anxious to get back to work, so to ease his reentry on Tuesday, I'm taking him down to his office tonight so he can get some work done this weekend. In the meantime, he needs to call the rheumatologist on Tuesday to get an appointment and begin making a treatment plan. This will take time to settle, but like I said, at least we have a diagnosis.

As you can imagine, our phone has been ringing off the hook with people checking in on M -- and me. Today, my parents will stop by on their way to Tanglewood to see Tony Bennett so they can have a nice visit. I'm looking forward to seeing them outside of a hospital.

Happy Labor Day weekend to all of my faithful readers!
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